Senin, 22 Mei 2023


SMA Negeri 1 Lumajang adalah sekolah yang mengedepankan akhlak dan etika siswa. Selaras dengan hal tersebut, SMA Negeri 1 Lumajang juga mendampingi peserta didiknya dalam meraih prestasinya. Sebagai SMA pertama di Lumajang, SMA Negeri 1 Lumajang telah mencetak berbagai alumni berbakat dan membanggakan almamater. Sekolah ini juga mengembangkan berbagai potensi dan bakat peserta didik demi terciptanya lulusan-lulusan berakhlak baik dan berprestasi di bidangnya. Beralamtkan di Jalan Ahmad Yani 7 Lumajang, SMA Negeri 1 Lumajang berlokasi sangat strategis. Selain berada di Jalan Nasional, sekolah ini berada di pusat kota yang dekat dengan berbagai akses, di antaranya Stadion Semeru, TMP Kusuma Bangsa, Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil, dan RSU dr. Haryoto. Dengan berbagai dukungan dari alumni dan para warga sekitar, SMA Negeri 1 Lumajang menjadi sekolah rujukan yang selalu menjadi SMA negeri di Lumajang yang terserap di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri terbanyak.

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Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is a rocky planet with a mass and size narrowly second in the Solar System to Earth, and with an atmosphere, which is the thickest of all four rocky planets of the Solar System and substantially thicker than Earth's. Its orbit is the next closest to Earth's, orbiting the Sun inferior inside of Earth's orbit, appearing (like Mercury) in Earth's sky always close to the Sun as either a "morning star" or "evening star". In Earth's sky it is also the natural object with the third highest maximum apparent brightness, after the Sun and the Moon, due to its proximity to Earth and the Sun, its size, and its highly reflective global cloud cover.[19][20] Because of these prominent appearances in Earth's sky, Venus has been, particularly among the other four star-like classical planets, a common and important object for humans, in their cultures and astronomy.

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8 interesting things about Earth:

  1. Earth is not flat, but it's not perfectly round either. 
  2. The days are getting longer. 
  3. There weren't always several continents. 
  4. Earth's icy times. 
  5. The driest place on Earth. 
  6. Earth's gravity isn't uniform. 
  7. In the past, sea levels were very different. 
  8. Our sun has a voracious appetite.

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The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System. The Moon is also the largest natural satellite in the Solar System by size of the planet it orbits, with a diameter of 27% a density of 60% and a mass 1⁄81 that of Earth. 

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